What is an SIC Code?

Overview of SIC Codes

What is an SIC Code?

Table of Contents:

Overview of SIC Codes

The SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code was first introduced by the U.S. government in 1937 to standardize the classification of industries and the collection of statistical data. Comprising four digits, SIC codes were used to consistently identify various industries within the United States, facilitating tasks like company performance analysis, regulatory application, economic research, and business comparison.

Although SIC codes served as the primary classification method for economic activities in the United States for many years, they were gradually replaced by the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) in 1997. NAICS, developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, aims to more accurately reflect modern, complex economic activities. However, SIC codes are still used in many databases and historical data, and their influence persists today.

Global Use of SIC Codes

While SIC codes were developed in the U.S., their versatility and consistency have led to their adoption in other countries as well. Particularly in international trade and global business statistics, SIC codes have been widely accepted as a standard classification method. International organizations and multinational companies often use SIC codes for economic data analysis and reporting.

For example, although the United Kingdom and Canada have their own industry classification systems, they use SIC codes as a supplementary reference. In Japan, SIC codes are sometimes used as part of international business data, especially in business and research related to the U.S. market.

While each country uses its own industry classification system to better reflect its economic activities (in Japan, this is the Japan Standard Industrial Classification or JSIC), SIC codes remain central to classification in the U.S. but still hold utility in the global business environment and international statistics.

Thus, despite the historical backdrop, SIC codes continue to be widely used both domestically in the U.S. and internationally as an important industry classification system. In the Infobel Global Business Database, data extraction using SIC codes is also possible.

Overview of SIC Codes (by Division)

The first two digits of the four-digit code indicate the major division.

Division Code Range Industry Name (English) Industry Name (Japanese)
A 01 – 09 Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing 農業、林業、漁業
B 10 – 14 Mining 鉱業
C 15 – 17 Construction 建設業
D 20 – 39 Manufacturing 製造業
E 40 – 49 Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services 運輸、通信、電力、ガス、衛生サービス
F 50 – 51 Wholesale Trade 卸売業
G 52 – 59 Retail Trade 小売業
H 60 – 67 Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate 金融、保険、不動産
I 70 – 89 Services サービス業
J 90 – 99 Public Administration 行政

Overview of SIC Codes (by Major Group)

The Major Group categories include:

Major Group Industry Name (English) Industry Name (translated by AI)
Major Group 01 Agricultural Production Crops 農産物生産業
Major Group 02 Agriculture Production Livestock And Animal Specialties 畜産および動物専門産業
Major Group 07 Agricultural Services 農業サービス
Major Group 08 Forestry 林業
Major Group 09 Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping 漁業、狩猟、および罠猟
Major Group 10 Metal Mining 金属鉱業
Major Group 12 Coal Mining 石炭採掘
Major Group 13 Oil And Gas Extraction 石油およびガス採掘
Major Group 14 Mining And Quarrying Of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels 非金属鉱物採掘(燃料を除く)
Major Group 15 Building Construction General Contractors And Operative Builders 建築工事一般請負業者および作業請負業者
Major Group 16 Heavy Construction Other Than Building Construction Contractors 建設工事(建物工事以外)の請負業者
Major Group 17 Construction Special Trade Contractors 建設専門工事請負業者
Major Group 20 Food And Kindred Products 食品および関連製品
Major Group 21 Tobacco Products タバコ製品
Major Group 22 Textile Mill Products 繊維製品
Major Group 23 Apparel And Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics And Similar Materials 衣料品および類似材料から作られたその他の製品
Major Group 24 Lumber And Wood Products, Except Furniture 木材および木製品(家具を除く)
Major Group 25 Furniture And Fixtures 家具および什器
Major Group 26 Paper And Allied Products 紙および関連製品
Major Group 27 Printing, Publishing, And Allied Industries 印刷、出版および関連産業
Major Group 28 Chemicals And Allied Products 化学薬品および関連製品
Major Group 29 Petroleum Refining And Related Industries 石油精製および関連産業
Major Group 30 Rubber And Miscellaneous Plastics Products ゴムおよびその他のプラスチック製品
Major Group 31 Leather And Leather Products 革および革製品
Major Group 32 Stone, Clay, Glass, And Concrete Products 石材、粘土、ガラスおよびコンクリート製品
Major Group 33 Primary Metal Industries 基礎金属産業
Major Group 34 Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery And Transportation Equipment 機械および輸送機器を除く金属製品
Major Group 35 Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment 産業および商業用機械およびコンピュータ機器
Major Group 36 Electronic And Other Electrical Equipment And Components, Except Computer Equipment コンピュータ機器を除く電子およびその他の電気機器および部品
Major Group 37 Transportation Equipment 輸送機器
Major Group 38 Measuring, Analyzing, And Controlling Instruments; Photographic, Medical, And Optical Goods; Watches And Clocks 計測、分析、制御機器; 写真、医療、光学製品; 時計
Major Group 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries その他の製造業
Major Group 40 Railroad Transportation 鉄道輸送
Major Group 41 Local And Suburban Transit And Interurban Highway Passenger Transportation 地方および郊外交通および都市間高速道路旅客輸送
Major Group 42 Motor Freight Transportation And Warehousing 自動車貨物輸送および倉庫業
Major Group 43 United States Postal Service 米国郵便局
Major Group 44 Water Transportation 水上輸送
Major Group 45 Transportation By Air 航空輸送
Major Group 46 Pipelines, Except Natural Gas 天然ガスを除くパイプライン
Major Group 47 Transportation Services 輸送サービス
Major Group 48 Communications 通信
Major Group 49 Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services 電気、ガス、および衛生サービス
Major Group 50 Wholesale Trade-durable Goods 卸売業-耐久消費財
Major Group 51 Wholesale Trade-nondurable Goods 卸売業-非耐久消費財
Major Group 52 Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply, And Mobile Home Dealers 建築資材、金物、園芸用品、および移動式住宅販売店
Major Group 53 General Merchandise Stores 一般商品店
Major Group 54 Food Stores 食料品店
Major Group 55 Automotive Dealers And Gasoline Service Stations 自動車販売店およびガソリンスタンド
Major Group 56 Apparel And Accessory Stores 衣料品およびアクセサリー店
Major Group 57 Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores 家具、調度品、および機器販売店
Major Group 58 Eating And Drinking Places 飲食店
Major Group 59 Miscellaneous Retail その他の小売業
Major Group 60 Depository Institutions 預金取扱機関
Major Group 61 Nondepository Credit Institutions 非預金取扱金融機関
Major Group 62 Security And Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges, And Services 証券および商品仲介業者、ディーラー、取引所、およびサービス
Major Group 63 Insurance Carriers 保険会社
Major Group 64 Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service 保険代理店、ブローカー、およびサービス
Major Group 65 Real Estate 不動産
Major Group 67 Holding And Other Investment Offices 持株会社およびその他の投資事務所
Major Group 70 Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, And Other Lodging Places ホテル、下宿屋、キャンプ、およびその他の宿泊施設
Major Group 72 Personal Services 個人サービス
Major Group 73 Business Services ビジネスサービス
Major Group 75 Automotive Repair, Services, And Parking 自動車修理、サービス、および駐車場
Major Group 76 Miscellaneous Repair Services その他の修理サービス
Major Group 78 Motion Pictures 映画製作業
Major Group 79 Amusement And Recreation Services 娯楽およびレクリエーションサービス
Major Group 80 Health Services 医療サービス
Major Group 81 Legal Services 法律サービス
Major Group 82 Educational Services 教育サービス
Major Group 83 Social Services 社会福祉サービス
Major Group 84 Museums, Art Galleries, And Botanical And Zoological Gardens


Major Group 86 Membership Organizations 会員組織
Major Group 87 Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And Related Services 工学、会計、研究、経営および関連サービス
Major Group 88 Private Households 民間世帯
Major Group 89 Miscellaneous Services その他のサービス
Major Group 91 Executive, Legislative, And General Government, Except Finance 行政、立法、および一般政府(財務を除く)
Major Group 92 Justice, Public Order, And Safety 司法、公序、および安全
Major Group 93 Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy 公共財政、課税、および金融政策
Major Group 94 Administration Of Human Resource Programs 人材資源プログラムの管理
Major Group 95 Administration Of Environmental Quality And Housing Programs 環境品質および住宅プログラムの管理
Major Group 96 Administration Of Economic Programs 経済プログラムの管理
Major Group 97 National Security And International Affairs 国家安全保障および国際問題
Major Group 99 Nonclassifiable Establishments 非分類施設

Click here for the table of SIC codes

Infobel Global Business Database covers 217 countries and regions worldwide, containing approximately 350 million records of overseas companies. The Infobel Global Business Database is compatible with SIC codes.